Event Industry News launches new guide dedicated to event sustainability

Photo credit: https://www.ammp.media/

Event Industry News joined proud guide sponsor, GES, at the Sustainable Breakfast Briefing yesterday (6th Feb) to launch its brand-new guide, The Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide.

The briefing included breakfast, networking and a panel of thought leaders including executive group director, Rick Stainton, from Smyle; project director, Manuela Cadarso from Unicorn Events and executive director, Christine Martin, from GES.

Moderated by Event Industry News’ co-founder, Adam Parry, the panel discussed topics such as trends, barriers and best practices regarding sustainability in the industry. Audience members took advantage of the Slido platform to submit their questions to the panel throughout the event.

Commenting on the success of the day, Matt Coyne, group commercial director at GES, said: “Today has brought with it lots of new insights, lots of new ways to look at sustainable practices. The biggest thing I’ve taken away from today is to keep it simple: test it, try it and take small steps.

“Events like these are important because they keep the conversation going. We get to share different ideas and talk to different people with different perspectives.”

Adam Parry commented: “Event professionals are always creating or exploring new ways to increase sustainability, and communication is key to raise awareness through the industry.

“We’re really proud of this guide, we put a lot of effort and time into creating something that our colleagues in the industry can turn to in order to raise the sustainability of their events.”

Rebecca Hurley, venue marketing manager from BMA House, enjoyed how “thoroughly engaging and informative” the breakfast was: “Sustainability is such an important topic and no matter how little the snippets of information you captured from today’s session are, we can all begin somewhere to do our bit to help the events industry become more sustainable.”

Dedicated to everything sustainable within the industry, the Sustainable Event Buyer’s Guide is a free-to-download online resource of suppliers, products, thought content, services and recommendations to help organisers host more sustainable events. For every download it receives, Event Industry News has pledged to donate to offset 1kg of CO2.

Download your free copy here

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com