Interprefy – Spotlight on Interpretation & Live Translation


Founded nearly 10 years ago in Zurich, Switzerland, with a perfect human and tech combination, Interprefy,  Best Use of AI winner at the Event Technology Awards 2023, is the linguistic bridge between events and international audiences.  

Fresh from providing AI-powered live translation – in the shape of audio speech translation and live captions on stage-right screens – at Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live, Interprefy turns the traditional language barrier into an opportunity for all.     

Only 17 per cent of the world’s population speaks English, either natively or as a second language. Through its remote simultaneous interpretation, live captions and subtitles, and real-time AI speech translation, Interprefy can connect almost anyone to any event, in their preferred language. It’s practised, proven technology that puts the ‘you’ in inclusivity.  

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) means a translator, like an audience, can be anywhere. Cloud-based, cheaper than an in-person solution and inherently sustainable, the Interprefy platform adds to any online/hybrid meeting, conference or webinar.  

So, how does it work? In simple terms, a presenter’s dialogue, their voice and image, is streamed live to remote interpreters via Interprefy’s RSI platform.

Attendees and delegates hear the speaker in their language of choice from the web conferencing platform the event is taking place, from traditional IR headsets or the Interprefy mobile app. Event organisers also get project management, interpreter sourcing, remote support and media services, so that they can focus on what’s important while Interprefy helps with the heavy lifting in the back-end.   

Even more scalable than RSI, AI speech translation solution Interprefy Aivia is available at short notice and supported by the company’s dedicated service teams. Interprefy Aivia translates speech from and into dozens of languages as well as providing captions in more than 3,000 language combinations – great for accessibility and comprehension.     

 Suitable for conferences, training sessions, or town halls, Interprefy Aivia is about optimal performance and completeness – a product of benchmarking AI engines for each language combination.   

Interprefy’s custom glossary fine-tunes the systems so they can pick up, and make sense of, unique or hard-to-translate terminology – think speaker names, brands, and technical language. As a result, events can be optimised for even the most complex vocabulary.  

Interprefy Aivia supports multiple floor languages, enabling two-way live translation in training, panels or conferences. Customers can choose the voice, male or female, and even the locale that best suits their target audience.   

Interprefy Aivia is a powerful, cost-effective solution that navigates borders and nullifies traditional hurdles to successfully connecting people, globally.   

Since 2015, Interprefy’s remote-first global team, a diverse group with a shared mission, has supported over 50,000 meetings and events all over the world, for clients as diverse as the White House, UEFA, Google, and GlaxoSmithKline. It gets the world to listen.  

“Our language solutions can be mixed and matched,” Oddmund Braaten, CEO at Interprefy, says. “Event organisers can, for example, use RSI for the languages that they know will be the most in-demand at an event, and AI speech translation for those that will be needed but not in the same volume.”  

And they have the support of Interprefy’s professional sales and project management team to help them pick the best options and run their multilingual events successfully. 

In short, Interprefy has changed the event landscape, not only stripping out the famously impenetrable language barrier for audiences, but for speakers too – opening content to input from right around the world.   

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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