The market asked for it, iVent delivered it: say “hi” to iVentPro, the refreshingly simple, all-in-one Virtual and Hybrid Events Solution

Same experienced team, brand new engine: introducing iVent Pro.


iVent, the foremost pioneer of virtual and hybrid event solutions, today announced the launch of its next-gen digital platform: iVent Pro.

iVent Pro, available at, is designed to leverage the intersection of events, content and community to:

  1. Inspire individuals to connect and engage seamlessly, thus…
  2. Empowering organisations to achieve business growth

The Story behind iVent Pro.

“Virtual events earned a mixed reputation over the past 3 years. The good news is that the magic of digital engagement is still there. It’s just obscured — buried under a mess of bad practices and neglect. Some from software, a lot from people.” Said Gavin Newman, CEO of iVent.

“Digital events deserved a dust-off. A renovation. Modernised for the way people engage digitally today. With iVent Pro, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction to digital engagement. A fresh, thoughtful start, the way it should be.”

Engagement beyond events.

iVent Pro revolves around digital venues: you can think of a digital venue as the online equivalent of your in-person event venue.

A digital venue is a space you build, own and customise to drive audience engagement. It’s moulded around your specific goals and continually evolving.

It’s digital real estate for your brand that is inexpensive to build and a joy to use.

Made to make your team better.

“Technology is the biggest force we can leverage to make events more accessible, but this technology needs to be intuitive and accessible. Not only for attendees but for your team members, too,” said Ros Oxley, Director at iVent. “We recognise that success in 2023 is within your people. Empowering your individual team members through technology will power your organisation as a whole.”

The platform’s promise is to offer a seamless and immersive experience for attendees, sponsors, exhibitors and hosts alike. That’s why iVent Pro has been designed to be intentionally simple and with the highest standards of user-friendliness. This ensures:

  • Engagement joy for your audience
  • Admin and management tasks becoming less of a chore for your team, so that they can focus on the things that matter


“We are very excited today to launch what is the result of 14 years of collective learning from the many organisations that we’ve worked with globally and the hundreds of events designed, projects managed and delivered across industries. We have piloted the demo internally with some of our current clients and prospects, and the satisfaction rate of the demos has been 100% positive! We can’t wait for the broader EventProfs community to try it,” concluded Gavin Newman.

For more information about iVent’s virtual and hybrid events platform, please visit

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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