Presentation Design Services – Superhero Suppliers


We are Presentation Design Services (better known as ‘PDS’), an event production company operating for 20 years across a broad spectrum of live events, activations, theatre production, conferences, exhibitions, and experiential installations.

Our attitude is that, under most circumstances, we will find a way – whatever it is you need and however fast you need it.  Whether that’s an immersive pop-up treehouse experience on the treeless banks of London’s Thames, or a giant compound curved archway covered in real plants for a global conference, we’ll make it happen.

When high street brand ‘LUSH’ wanted to give guests hot air balloon rides 30m in the air inside Manchester Central, or when they needed a river built inside Old Billingsgate to turn a waterwheel and generate power to charge mobile phones, it was us they turned to. When vodka brand, Belvedere, were looking to create rustic banqueting tables with flowing water running down the middle, or when Pepsi needed a moving LED target to kick footballs at; it’s us they called. This isn’t all we’ve done – check out our case studies page to see even more.

We do small too…  We’re experts in pop up shops and bars, be they in shopping centres, train stations, or outside, and we’ve designed and built stands at exhibitions for everything from insurance to Comic Con.

We constantly deliver, on time, on budget, and above and beyond expectations.  As deadlines get shorter, the ability to produce what is needed, in a matter of days and without allowing the timescale to affect quality or attention to detail is absolutely crucial.  This is what we do: we produce amazing events, seemingly from nowhere, and at unbelievable speed.

We don’t just make events – our drapemakers department have been making drapes for the theatre and live events industries for over fifteen years, so we understand deadlines – really tight deadlines, work-through-the-weekend deadlines, deadlines that move and briefs that change. We know about venues that aren’t finished yet and designers who want something different half way through tech week.  It’s okay; we get it.

It’s all achievable through our diverse and creative team; designers, visualisers, project managers, technicians, set builders, scenic artists, drape makers, and dressers – a vast breadth of experience, skills, and knowledge at your disposal. When we say we can do almost anything, we actually mean it.

We aren’t any run-of-the-mill production company.  We’re a ‘can do’ team with personality and a sense of adventure.  Got a challenge to solve?  Let’s talk…

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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