Stop the Yawn! Wake up your audience and generate high-quality leads


inwink is the SaaS firm for business-to-business event-marketing. At the regular inwink Morning Show, the team and guest speakers share best practices for online, hybrid and live events.

Join the inwink Morning Show, Stop the Yawn! on 2nd December 2021 at 10am (USA) or 3pm (UK) to discover how your online event can produce high-quality leads.

Speakers from ecommerce market analysis firms MikMak and Profitero share five key lessons from Commerce Live 2021 on how to engage with audiences.

5 Best Practices you can use to boost interactions at online events.

Best practice #1: Partnering to succeed

Clear objectives are the way to successful partnerships. We also combine forces and ecosystems to drive traction and use inwink’s access right management system to create a clear team structure from the outset.

Best practice #2: Communication strategy before, during and after the event

Create a personalised communication strategy. The aim is to connect with audiences at key moments in the run-up to the event and afterwards. This includes segmentation, automation and personalisation, with planned reminders.

Best practice #3: Onboarding the internal teams

Explain the value and new features to get the best out of the platform and not fall back into old ways. It is vital to show the sales and other internal teams how the platform enables connection with clients and prospects during the event to drive lead generation.

Best practice #4: Seamless speaker experience

At inwink the speaker experience happens in one place. This includes a Green Room or speaker lounge, offering a personable way to connect with other speakers before they take the stage. Remember small details like allowing a 10-minute buffer before they speak.

Best practice #5: Driving engagement and maximizing interactivity during the event

Boosting engagement throughout the event helps to generate leads. Connections can be created online through face-to-face meetings, the ability to ask and answer questions directly, conversation prompts and driving participation in the chat module and networking tables

The inwink Morning Show is a regular event where companies share their experiences. Join us at our next Morning Show to discover more! For further information, drop us a line at, or say hello on LinkedIn or Twitter.

About inwink

Founded in 2016, inwink is the SaaS BtoB event-marketing solution adopted by more than 80 organisations and recognised for its functional power and technical robustness.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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