The world’s best event payment technology is seeking new partners


This year’s Event Technology Awards saw TicketCo win gongs for Best Sales Technology and Best Pivot from Physical to Virtual. The hybrid event platform is now offering integration partners the opportunity to collaborate. 

“The award for Best Payment Technology is a huge recognition of the continuous innovation in our product since TicketCo’s inception. We’ve built a unique platform and will keep innovating to stay at the forefront of providing an easy shopper experience for event goers,” said TicketCo co-founder and CSO Carl Erik M. Moberg.  

TicketCo is the dominant ticketing, event payments and hybrid sales platform in its home market and a fast growing challenger in the UK. The hybrid event platform is due to launch in the US imminently, followed by Germany and the Netherlands.   

The totality of TicketCo’s offering is groundbreaking. These are some of the top payments related benefits within the platform:

  • Direct integration with Zettle by Paypal enabling smooth on-site payments. For organisers it means considerably cheaper card readers, fully integrated in TicketCo and cash sales to handle at events.
  • Smooth and secure payments through Adyen, used by companies such as Spotify and AirBnB.
  • TicketCo acts as the organisers’ merchant and handles all contractual obligations with payment providers. This safeguards ticket buyers and enables the whole reconciliation of payments in one report and one settlement.
  • Membership and season ticket solutions making renewals easy for fans ensuring fan loyalty for clubs.
  • A wide range of features that helps sell more and faster, such as upselling, cross selling and promotion alternatives.
  • Hybrid events in one solution delivering a secure and amazing shopper to viewer journey.
  • QR codes for entry to physical and virtual events.

TicketCo was built by event organisers for event organisers,” added Mr Moberg. “We have first-hand experience of all the hassle fragmented systems create and our long term goal is to build a platform that erases this pain all together. We’ve made great progress, but will never stop listening to the market and innovating to deliver continued improvements that make a difference. 

“We believe the strongest partnerships are tech driven. We have great APIS and processes to make sure players in the event space can increase their value for customers with simple TicketCo integrations. That is why we are looking to get in touch with CMS providers, CRM providers, producers and other potential innovative integration partners.

“Get in touch and let’s build perfection together!”


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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