Hio Launches ‘Virtual Lounge’ & ‘Network Now’ To Help Cultivate Meaningful Virtual Connections


Hio, “hit it off,” the leading networking and events platform that allows users to open the app and discover interesting people and events nearby, today announced the launch of two new offerings – Virtual Lounge and Network Now. The two new features were designed to facilitate networking and 1:1 socialization in a time when events and meetups have been limited to digital-only connection. 

Hio’s partners host thousands of casual networking events on the platform annually. The app takes users through the entire event funnel, from discovery and ticket purchase to networking and post-event follow-ups. In response to the recent surge of event cancellations, Hio is offering free access to Hio Premium for the next three months, with no credit card information required from users. Premium users can also send all of their new Hio connections to one of 30 CRMs with one touch. Even if users are confined to their homes, they will be able to find and attend virtual events in their areas of interest, opening up the door to digitally meet others and foster relationships. Hio’s virtual networking events will help small business owners, salespeople, freelancers and entrepreneurs continue to build relationships and do business during the pandemic.

The company’s new “Virtual Lounge” product allows event organizers and attendees to connect and socialize digitally despite the lack of physical proximity. Events held in the Virtual Lounge require no moderation and allow event organizers to offer unlimited ticket sales. Virtual Lounge attendees are able to interact freely with one another using 7-minute 1:1 video chats, live group messaging and social media integrations. 

In tandem with the launch of the Virtual Lounge, Hio is also adding the “Network Now” feature to its premium offering. Network Now allows professionals to video chat one-on-one for seven minutes at a time in order to closely replicate the closeness of the in-person networking experience.

“Personal relationships drive everything in life and business – Hio allows us to manage them all at scale,” said Jason Craparo, CEO and Founder of Hio. “COVID-19, social distancing and voluntary, or involuntary, isolation has significantly impacted our ability to establish and grow 1:1 connections – whether at an event, conference or just with like-minded individuals we meet in our everyday lives. With Virtual Lounge and Network Now, Hio hopes to allow event organizers to avoid event cancellations and help users form meaningful relationships and grow their network in tough times.” 

Hio Premium allows event organizers to seamlessly take their events digital in the event of a cancellation. This reduces massive losses that can come with unplanned cancellations and also ensures that attendees benefit from planned events, giving them access to connect with other attendees right from their mobile phones.

To learn more, please visit https://hiosocial.com.

To download the Hio IOS app click here and for the Hio Android app click here

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.