IACC reveals new venue excellence certification


IACC has today unveiled its refreshed venue excellence certification, Committed to Brilliance. The web-based content is designed to give meeting planners reassurance that IACC member venues provide the levels of performance and support necessary to create innovative and exceptional meeting experiences.

With 65% of event planners* stating that a good venue is key to success, Committed to Brilliance features eight pillars against which IACC member venues achieve certification.

These highlight key facets of the meetings experience and the benefits to meeting planners of choosing a venue that meets IACC’s quality levels of design purpose; corporate social responsibility (CSR); wellbeing; sustainability; internet connectivity; food & beverage; expert teams; and customer service.

Mark Cooper, CEO of IACC, (pictured) said: “IACC represents over 400 of the world’s best small and medium-sized meeting venues, meaning we possess the knowledge and insight into the indispensable power of a perfect partnership between venues and meeting planners to create memorable experiences for delegates and impact communities.

“Committed to Brilliance aims to help facilitate more of these partnerships in 2020 and beyond. Choosing an IACC member venue gives meeting planners the peace of mind that they are dealing with an innovative, forward-thinking and results-driven venues.”

Committed to Brilliance will help planners identify venues that can genuinely deliver all the key attributes to ensure the success of every meeting, from venues purpose-built for conferences and meetings; to venues that pride themselves for following sustainable practices; to venues prioritising wellbeing and enhancing delegate satisfaction; to ensuring the correct level of internet capabilities for various meetings, conferences and events.

*Event Manager Blog 2020

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com