etc.venues receives serious enquiries worth close to £2m within 24 hours of Prime Minister’s roadmap announcement


“This is the largest rush of serious new enquiries for meetings and events we’ve ever had in one day, certainly the most after any previous lifting of Covid restrictions”, says Adam Simpson, Director of Marketing for etc.venues. 

This observation came after the company, the leading UK based provider of urban non-residential event venues, received serious enquiries worth close to £2m in the 24 hours after the Prime Minister’s ‘roadmap’ announcement of likely dates for restarting meetings and events.

He continued “These events are scheduled for late Q2, Q3 and Q4 this year by which time, from September, we will have a further seven rooms including a suite for 240 people, available at 133 Houndsditch in London, increasing the size of the venue by 50 per cent.” 

The enquiries, including one for around £350k, are from corporate and public organisations and associations. They cover many different types of meetings and events, from major training programmes to conferences, both live and hybrid.

Adam Simpson concluded; “This is a great initial indication that so many organisations have been waiting for the opportunity to get back to live events. It’s also a welcome validation of our decision to continue to invest in and develop 133 Houndsditch during lockdown.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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