2019 Event Technology Awards – Best use of Technology for Engagement & Interaction


Akkroo takes home the ‘Best use of Technology for Engagement & Interaction (B2B)’ award at the 2019 Event Technology Awards.

Chris Wickson, Co-Founder of Akkroo, now GM of Events at Integrate after the acquisition of​ Akkroo in April picked up the award.

“Integrate Events exists to improve event experience and results for exhibitors and attendees. The Integrate Events solution bridges the gap between the physical and the digital, empowering the exhibitor to take control of the lead capture process at every event, big or small. 

Capturing accurate contact details plus important contextual information enables exhibitors to follow up with prospects quickly and with relevant information to move conversations and opportunities forward. 

Events, trade shows and conferences account for the single largest amount of marketing spend, and we are excited to continue helping marketing teams and exhibitors maximize return and accelerate revenue from this unique channel.”

Chris Wickson. Co-Founder Akkroo, GM of Events Integrate.

Every year, billions of dollars are spent on marketing automation and CRM software, for smart, sophisticated ways to manage leads, improve prospect experiences and ultimately close deals. But when it comes to events, there is a huge disconnect.

Traditional lead capture methods mean exhibitors have little control over the data they collect. Even worse, these manual methods result in silos of event leads that rarely find their way back into marketing automation or CRM systems.

Integrate Events is at the forefront of event lead capture. Working at the intersection of events and MarTech, replacing outdated, manual methods, empowering B2B marketing and sales teams to take control of their lead capture process at every event. We’re changing the way marketers think about events, focusing on qualified leads, accelerated revenue and accurate reporting.

Planning your 2020 events calendar? Access your Akkroo/ Integrate Events product tour video or book a personalised demo​ today.​ Find out why sales and marketing teams including Carestream,​ Instructure, IBM and Leica Biosystems use Akkroo/ Integrate Events.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com