UK music chief welcomes government publication of data on pilot events as “critical first step” to mass live music events


Responding to the Government’s publication on Friday, (25th June) of data regarding the Events Research Programme, UK Music Chief Executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin said:

“It’s welcome that the Government has responded to our calls to publish this vital data on the pilot events.

“This is a critical step towards getting the live music industry up and running.

“The music industry has been working flat out to make gigs, concerts and festivals safe and reduce the risk of Covid transmission at events.

“The Events Research Programme data vindicates the massive efforts and innovations our sector has made to restart the live music industry.

“Now we have evidence showing events can take place safely, the Government must now give the green light for events to go ahead without social distancing from July 19.

“With 60,000 fans expected at Wembley for the Euros, thousands at Wimbledon and a capacity crowd of 140,000 at the Silverstone Grand Prix, it is only right that major live music events are also able to proceed safely.

“We will continue talking to the Government to get as many live events back on stage as possible from the expected July 19 reopening date to deliver a great British summer of music.

“It is particularly welcome that the data shows there were no infections at the 3,500-capacity BRIT Awards.”

Event Research Programme findings:

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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