Meetings with New Intent – New DEI Organisation Launches for the Events Industry


Today (19th August 2022) a new organisation has been launched to drive the need for diversity, equality, inclusion (DEI) and environmental action within the global business events industry. New Intent will work with destinations, event strategists, and the entire event supply chain to advocate for the critical importance DEI and environmental action has in creating positive societal transformation.

Bringing partners together from across the world, New Intent will curate educational sessions, white papers, knowledge sharing and industry-leading leadership to ensure business events put people and planet first.

Rory Archibald, founder of New Intent, says ‘Today is an incredibly exciting day. DEI and environmental action need to take a much greater priority in our industry. I believe that we must do more as an industry to properly drive DEI and environmental action forward and start to take what we preach and put it into action. I am excited to launch New Intent and realistic about the challenges we face. We will bring advocacy to the forefront, engage in challenging conversations, and face up to the journey we have in front of us. We have the power to create real change and transform an industry by collaborating, sharing, and demanding change.’

New Intent will be run in Rory’s own time while he maintains his position with VisitScotland, looking after the associations, sectors, marketing, PR, and policy strategies for business events.

New Intent offers partnerships to the events industry supply chain, memberships to event strategists, transformation strategies for events, and speaker services where specialist topics include the UN SDGs, DEI, environmental action, corporate social responsibility, and the politics of meetings.

To find out more about the new intent, visit:

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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