Event Technology Awards is almost here!


The highlight of the event technology calendar is finally within sight with just over one day left until the doors of the prestigious event open.

The scores are in, the bubbly is on ice and organisers are looking forward to crowning the winners at the seventh edition of the Event Technology Awards (ETA).

The yearly event aims to celebrate the achievements of event technology companies from all over the world.

Engage by D2i Systems is the headline sponsor at this year’s event. The sales and marketing director, Matthew Wilson, commented: “The ETA celebrates innovation and success in what is a rapidly maturing segment of the events sector. D2i Systems is an ideal sponsor for award categories championing the latest generation of event tech suppliers: our business grew due to technological innovation, hard work and, most importantly, the dedication of a brilliant team. We’re now in a position to encourage and admire new companies following the same path to success that we followed when the event tech sector was in its infancy.”

Event technology provider, Giant iTab, is sponsoring the drinks reception this year. CEO and founder, Mark Jones, said: “These awards are important because our core business is providing technology – if I were to make up a title for an award I’d like to win, it would be ‘Event Technology Award’!

“Whilst we enter and win several other awards, the title alone of the Event Technology Awards speaks volumes about our business and what we are good at. Winning these awards is great for staff morale, for business development, for brand profile and a recognisable reward for all the hard work we do every day.”

The awards ceremony welcomes event professionals from all over the world and offers a fantastic opportunity to network while celebrating the achievements of fellow peers.

The annual gala dinner follows the first day of its sister event, Event Tech Live (ETL), on 6th November, with doors opening at 19:00. Visitors of ETL are encouraged to continue networking and join the celebrations with fellow event professionals.

Make sure you’re not the only one missing out – tickets are still available and can be booked here.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com