AI is Enabling Intelligent Virtual Events Today – Here’s How It Will Look Tomorrow


“I’ve seen the evil robot in the movie WALL-e and the scary robo-mom in I Am Mother… AI seems pretty terrifying, are you sure it’s a good idea to put it in charge of my virtual conference!?” 

A lot of scary stuff has been written about artificial intelligence (AI), and the truth is that yes, it probably is going to take over the world. Fortunately for us, though, it probably won’t happen the way it does in Terminator or The Matrix. 

The truth is, AI is no longer something that business owners and marketers can afford to ignore. With virtual events taking centre stage right now, it isn’t hyperbolic to say that AI is one of the most powerful tools available for putting together world-class shows and experiences. 

According to a survey conducted by Business Insider Intelligence, 80% of respondents said that they already use or planned to use emerging tech tools like AI-enabled chatbots, by 2020. * 

(Source: e2M ) 

From precision-targeting your audience to creating personalised schedules for attendees, staging mind-blowing spectacles and dragging insights from your post-event analytics, AI has a role to play at every step of the journey.  

Here is an overview of some of the key touchpoints where this cutting-edge tech can help you to plan and execute shows more efficiently and effectively.  

Put on an amazing show with AI 

AI will make virtual events more immersive, engaging and amazing. Microsoft has unveiled virtual stage technology that allows speakers anywhere in the world to blend seamlessly with any background or computer-generated images, interacting in real-time with the image the home audience sees. Powered by its Kinect motion sensors, this is a fascinating example of the type of event tech that will be available to anyone soon.  

Presenters on the virtual stage can play and demonstrate with data itself as they pull visualisations seemingly out of thin air. Here, AI is used to fit the image of the presenter with the computer-generated graphics in a seamless way, making it appear as if they are all inhabiting the same virtual space.  

AI for personalisation and recommendations 

AI can learn from virtual events in the past as well as while they are happening today, and tell you what is most likely to work for your next event. Analysing factors such as attendee numbers and engagement, along with the touchpoints they make in the virtual world, events can be autonomously fine-tuned to meet your audience’s level, right down to the level of the individual.  

This will make it possible for each individual attendee to receive a totally personalised schedule when they register for their event, cutting out the time it takes to search through your presentations and other content. 

In the information age, your audience’s attention is a valuable currency. By serving them with automated recommendations, you reduce the possibility of information overload preventing them achieving their goals – leading to happy and satisfied attendees.   

AI-powered chatbots 

No people required. More efficient and smoother handling of customer questions. AI-enabled chatbots can manage the humungous amount of live interaction needed to provide your audience with amazing experiences with ease. They also know when to step back and call in manual assistance when the human touch is necessary.  

Chatbots built on natural language processing algorhtms can fill the role of virtual concierge, directing attendees towards the resources they’re looking for. They can also assist event teams with interpreting data generated by their event and providing insights into what is working and what isn’t. Simply ask your bot “What content at my event will be most well attended by c-level execs with buying resposibilities”, and you get your answer in natural, human language.  

Network more effectively with AI-powered event apps 

AI will examine the profile of every attendee, sponsor, exhibitor and organiser to determine key networking opportunities and connect us with the people who are most likely to help us to learn and grow. Imagine having a robot assistant at a real-world networking event who trundles around on robotic legs interviewing every single person in the room to work out who you really need to talk to. Most people are probably aware that advanced computer algorithms have revolutionised the world of dating, due to their ability to match people with similar interests and personalities. Business networking is fundamentally no different and AI algorithms will build bridges between people and organisations to make the whole process more efficient and productive.  

AI will deep learn and predict needs 

The best part about AI and Machine learning is that it can get intuitive and understand what your next steps should be, very quickly. This is effective in real-time scenarios when people need specific help, and AI can learn to step in and provide it without human intervention. Algorithms can track virtual footfall around events to determine what resources are hitting their targets and what needs to be improved. Is engagement low because you have the wrong content, the wrong delivery, or perhaps even the wrong attendees? These questions can be hugely difficult to answer using conventional analytics but with AI’s ability to probe every aspect of correlation and causation, while assessing thousands of simulated scenarios, effectively simultaneously, the answers are within reach.  

Buzznation’s team includes experts in operational AI for events and virtual events. To find out how you can build AI into your virtual strategy, write to us at

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