NOEA Awards Go Live


The National Outdoor Events Association Awards go live today as the organisation looks to reward those events and businesses that have excelled as the industry moves out of the pandemic.

The Awards will take place at the beautiful Bath Pump Rooms and Roman Baths on the evening of the 23rd November this year and will be preceded by the association’s annual convention. NOEA will use the occasion to continue to underline its long-term strategy to support the industry #BuildBackBetter, and recognising the contribution of businesses to the industry, as well as the wider public, is a key part of this strategy.

The Awards will reflect the new tone of optimism within the industry, but also show understanding of the continued pressure on events and event suppliers. Award categories will include specific recognition for those businesses that have fought for the wider industry throughout and since the pandemic.

Categories include:

· Best Events Team

· Best Up and Coming Event organiser: The One to Watch

· Best Unsung Hero/Heroine Award

· The Sustainability Award

· Best Diversity Equity & Inclusion Initiative

· Best Support to the Event Industry Award

· Event Innovation of the Year Award

· Small Event of the Year Award

· Production Partnership of the Year Award

· Best Practice Award

· Event Organiser of the Year

· Event of the Year Award

· Event Supplier of the Year

· Caterer of the Year Award

· Best Student Event Award

“We’re looking forward to celebrating with our members face-to-face for the first time in a long term, and the chance to recognise the amazing achievements of so many will mean a huge amount to everyone associated with NOEA,” commented Susan Tanner, CEO. “The industry is moving from into a new post-pandemic era, one that has its own unique set of challenges. More than ever, we need to underline the value and quality of what we do.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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