Will ‘new normal’ demand online events?


By Matthew Ruskin – Managing Director at Channel Edge Ltd

Planning events that work for everyone is impossible. Whether it is date clashes, location fatigue (London, again?) or exhibitor budget constraints, the chances of creating an event on the right date, at the perfect venue and at a cost no one flinches at are almost zero.

Until now the digital options have been either a patchwork of VC calls backed up by the distribution of presentations (cheap, passive and quick to deploy) or an immersive 3D virtual experience which looks great but carries a price tag and can take a while to produce.

Channel Edge Online Events was created by people on both sides of planning; the planner, and the delegate. All events are open 24/7 for up to 30 days, can also be shorter or longer, which immediately broadens the audience as the go-to ‘event-goers’ can attend even with a packed diary and people can attend even if they are not the standard audience.

Location issues are gone and there are lots of ways to give the delegate that warm feeling of ‘being there’ from event packs sent to their home computer, gamification and rewards, and social text chat or private video sessions.

The delegate experience is consistent with their day to day web UX to keep navigation familiar which is beautifully balanced with a distinctive event-style look and feel as they arrive, register, browse the booths and engage directly with the exhibitors.

Digital events are unlikely to replace physical events completely, however, will we be limited to a binary decision between a physical or digital in the future as we move into a new normal?

People will still want to meet face to face, to share stories, catch up with old friends and share that all-important post-event beer or two.

It is Channel Edge’s vision that Online Events will be used as a complementary platform to physical events to attract a broader audience, engage those physically attending and keep the event live for longer.

We also believe in quick deployment and can work on a ten-day turnaround if required which means we can get that budget working for you straight away with an event designed to support hitting immediate business metrics.

Planning events that work for everyone is impossible, however, Channel Edge Online Events increases your chances. For more information get in touch at hello@online-events.co.uk

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.