Universal Pixels delivers stunning video package for Spice Girls’ tour

Photo by Timmsy

Photo by Timmsy
Photo by Timmsy

Universal Pixels supplied the video package and crew for the Spice Girls’ hotly anticipated comeback tour, which featured a video-rich show design.

Universal Pixels worked with Production Manager Tony Gittins, Creative Director Lee Lodge, Set Designer Jason Sherwood, Content Designer Kate Moross, and Video Director Jon Shrimpton to create the huge double-sided video ring in the centre of the stage, two large screens on the wings, and a header of video across the entire width of the stage, including the wings. All of this was achieved with over 700m2 of 5mm LED panels. The video specialist also supplied a 14 camera 3G PPU, Disguise GX2 servers, and 16 video crew.

When it comes to big shows like this, the devil is in the detail, explained Universal Pixel’s Phil Mercer: “We know from many years of experience in delivering largescale projects that pre-planning and the correct preparation before equipment and crew get onsite is fundamental. We pay close attention to each project and simplify things wherever we can, so that everything runs as smoothly as possible.”

The company, which is headquartered just north of London in Tring, carries one of the largest rental inventories of LED screen products in the UK – over 1,500sqm of FantaLED, Infiled, Leyard and ROE. As well as supplying largescale touring productions, Universal Pixels is prominent in theatre and across a wide range of events. It has grown its reputation on a combination of experience, innovation, knowledge, passion and attention to detail.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com