Boris Johnson ‘to be told’ social distancing will not be needed at big events after trials

BORIS JOHNSON will be advised that social distancing for large events can be scrapped from June 21, after pilot trials showed there were no alarming spikes in new Covid cases.


The news will bring joy to football fans in particular, who should now be able to once again cheer on their teams at their grounds. The Government has been running a series of tests at sporting events around the UK, as it prepares for further lifting of lockdown restrictions. Four thousand fans were allowed to attend the FA Cup semi-final between Leicester and Southampton, while 8,000 were allowed to watch the Carabao Cup final between Tottenham and Manchester City at Wembley.

Furthermore, around 1,000 snooker fans a day have been allowed to watch sessions at the World Snooker Championship at Sheffield’s Crucible theatre.

All participants have had to take both a PCR and a lateral flow test before and after each event, with the results carefully scrutinised by scientists.

The science board on the Events Research Programme, run by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, has found that many of the protective measures put in place are sufficient to stop the spread of the virus.

Those measures include staggered entry and better ventilation at indoor venues.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the early data from theses trials will be presented to the Cabinet next week.

The report will give the green light for crowds to return, albeit as long as the mitigating measures are kept in place.

The Prime Minister is likely to wait for data from additional pilot events before committing to a definitive decision some time next month.

Meanwhile, the next stage in Mr Johnson’s roadmap could see the opening up of foreign travel on May 17.

The Government has confirmed that people wishing to travel abroad will have to prove their Covid vaccination and testing status.

Ministers plan to adapt the NHS smartphone app to act as a vaccination passport, that would display this information.

Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, refused to commit to a concrete date for when travel abroad will be allowed to resume.

In interviews last week, he said that the public would have to “wait and see” when they could go to some of the most popular foreign holiday destinations.

However, he told Sky News that he was hopeful of being able to announce in two weeks time which countries would be on the “green list”.

Originally published by on 30th April 2021. SOURCE

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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