2020 is Officially the Year of the Virtual Event


The Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) has seriously impacted the global events industry and it looks like its effects will be felt for many months to come.

The events sector generates over $1 Trillion a year worldwide but it has been on life support from the start of 2020, with events postponed and cancelled across the board; from grand scale tech shows like E3, down to the very smallest local events.

It’s no wonder therefore that the virtual, online event has come to the fore in 2020 and has become the new norm for hosting safer and more stable events.

What is a Virtual Event?

In its simplest form, a virtual event is an event that is completely hosted online.

Everything from your talks, workshops, presentations and even social events are all streamed online, either for your attendees to enjoy live or catch up with after the event itself has passed.

What Are the Pros of a Virtual Event?

  • Very low overhead
  • Quick and easy to set up
  • Very low risk of cancellation for reasons outside of your control
  • They can continue to be sold after the event date

The Biggest Pro: You Can Resell Your Virtual Event FOREVER

This last point is the most important of all, because the value of a virtual event is far greater in the long run than a single in-person event because it’s repeatable.

It could even be a proverb:

‘Teach a man to host an event, he’ll host one every year. Teach a man to host a virtual event, he’ll host one every day’.

How Do You Run A Successful Virtual Event?

You make sure you have the best speakers and content that appeal to your audience, and most importantly, you make sure all of that runs smoothly.

That’s always going to be at the heart of a great event; bringing people together and making it easy for them to interact, learn and enjoy themselves.

And that’s the core of the problem for most when it comes to hosting and profiting from a virtual event. They simply don’t know how to take that perfect event they could host in real life and transfer it to a virtual space.

There are surprisingly few platforms out there which allow for this, so that’s why we’ve built one that does exactly that. ReAttendance has everything you need to make money from a successful virtual event.

This Is How You Monetise A Virtual Event

ReAttendance has been built from the ground up to allow you to produce a virtual event that runs smoothly, gives you full control over who has access to your content and allows you to continue reselling tickets for as long as you need.

  • Livestream your event through a video service like Vimeo or Youtube. We would recommend Vimeo as you can lockdown which sites you can embed the stream into, so it can’t be shared for free by your delegates.
  • Connect your livestream to ReAttendance.
  • Rebuild and structure your event, splitting it up into different days and restricting access to different ticket types.
  • Sync up all your presentations and slides in real-time, on the Enterprise plan you can Whitelabel Reattendance with your livery, and even add in your Sponsors so they get full visibility
  • Sell tickets to your event on our marketplace – Or sell through your own website and upload lists of delegates to Reattendance, or simply make the whole thing public for anyone to watch.
  • Post-event you can still sell tickets!

If you want to arrange your next virtual event or transition a postponed event into the virtual space, then get in touch with us and we’ll help you give a second life to your event. You owe it to your staff, your delegates and your sponsors. Get in touch today and give your event the second life it deserves.

Visit www.reattendance.com for more info.

This article is sponsored by ReAttendance

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.