Plan now for 2021 – Venuedirectory MD urges planners to be cautious but confident


‘I have confidence’ – Plan now for 2021

Venuedirectory MD urges planners to be cautious – but confident

“We’ve now reached the halfway point of our current lockdown period and I would encourage event planners to build on the confidence of the UK Government and use this time to look at life after lockdown, 2021 and beyond.

“The recent announcement of vaccines plus the trial of mass-testing in Liverpool gives every reason to be assured of a positive outlook for the business events industry. Our PM Boris Johnson has said he can hear the distant sound of the bugle coming over the hill and theshare prices of large hotel’s chains and airlines have risen, signalling that there’s an end to this crisis.

“These milestones are all building blocks towards the live events sector – that’s meetings, events, conferences and exhibitions – finally opening up after an incredibly tough year. Let’s be cautious – but confident ,” Michael Begley, managing director of, urges the business events sector to plan for 2021 with confidence.

‘Plan for 2021 with confidence’

“I’m calling on planners to use ‘lockdown 2.0’ to plan for a return to events in 2021. Planners can be assured that venues and suppliers have put into place measures to support this – including flexible cancellation terms and robust safety measures as highlighted in HBAA’s ‘Meet Safe, Meet Smart 30’ campaign. Venue planners should see this as the trigger they need to get their event diaries back up and running, ” Michael continues.

“While Boris likes the sound of bugles, I prefer The Sound of Music! To quote a line from the musical’s song ‘I have confidence’: ‘My heart should be wildly rejoicing”. There’s light at the end of the tunnel and the minute the end of lockdown is announced, I’m calling on every venue and every agent to reach out to their corporate clients and meeting planners by email, social media or phone – let’s flood them with confidence that they can now book!”

Sam Hyland
Author: Sam Hyland

Sam is the assistant content manager for Event Industry News (EIN). Sam is involved in publishing news stories, videos and podcasts. Sam also collates the latest stories for the EIN e-newsletter. If you have a press release or story you think we might be interested to know about please email