London based agency Experience brings aboard 3 new hires


Creative production agency, Experience, is driving the agency forward with new hires in both its creative and production teams, driving its inventive offering for clients. Experience’s brands include Amazon, Facebook, Deloitte and ITV, with a reach of around 50,000 people each year across the globe.

It is a unique agency that combines creative thinking with operational excellence. Driving Experience forward, these new hires include, for the creative team: Emily Page coming from Design Scene, with over five years of experience in design; and for the production team: Gabrielle Savell-Stewart, with five years in production from theatre to events and Sam Ward, with six years in production management, from muddy fields to ballrooms.  

Mark Griffith, founder and director of Experience, said: “We are very excited to welcome Gabbie, Emily and Sam to the team. They will not only add greater capacity with our existing client base but allow us to expand our offering as we head into our 10th year.” This maturation of the company team and structure comes after it won the EVCOM Industry Award for Best Use of Technology in late 2018 for Lloyds Banking Group, using galvanic skin response (GSR) technology, in conjunction with a VR headset to drive and track emotions; creating a unique ‘self-discovery experience’ for each individual. 

With the agency celebrating its 10th birthday this year, this it is a fitting year to bring on new, innovative talent to expand the creative delivery of events, for a variety of brands, all around the world.’

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: