

Dispace is an event tech solutions provider based in Nottingham, UK.  Its proprietary software, Switch, is an innovative venue side events and meetings management system that delivers operational efficiency by giving venue team’s the tools to remove manual processes from enquiry management and event planning, and focus on value add promotion and delivery of venue services.

In a world where venue teams are resource constrained and the volume and margin from bookings is critical, Switch is the solution to delivering better booking conversion with a lower cost to serve.  Our clients have seen:

  • 20% uplift in booking conversion
  • 10 day reduction in lead time from initial contact to booking
  • 1.5 days of admin time saved per week

It achieves this by capturing all the nuances of the venues resources and services – from pricing to availability, discounts to payment terms – within the Switch database so that the venue can present live booking to its prospects through its website and listings with lead aggregators, and enable junior team members to quickly quote direct to customers and agents.

With an integrated CRM and comms system, Switch also gives venue customers their own online portal to manage the particulars of their event as it takes shape.  This includes: 

  • amending the packages for the event itself, with upsell opportunities for the venue
  • planning the agenda for the day
  • signing contracts, issuing invoices and taking payments
  • inviting guests and submitting menu pre-orders
  • live chat with the venue team

Switch has all the MI tools to track venue performance with a configurable budgeting tool, live dashboard and user-defined reports.

And in response to Covid, Switch includes a staggered guest arrival management functionality to support social distancing, and a virtual visitor book solution that creates a track and trace record for any identified risks.

All this allows skilled event profs to focus on what they excel at, showcasing and delivering exceptional venue experiences.

Contact Details:

Lead Contact: Ross Cox
0115 8821282

45-51 Stanton Road

EIN Directory
Author: EIN Directory

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