Silent Conference Named Official Event Partners for Event Tech Live & Event Sustainability Live’s North America Editions


Silent Conference, a pioneer in revolutionising event engagement through cutting-edge audio technology, is proud to announce its partnership as an official event partner for Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live’s North America editions. The events will take place on May 1st and 2nd at the Expo at World Market Center, located in the vibrant heart of downtown Las Vegas.

Silent Conference has been at the forefront of enhancing corporate events’ engagement worldwide since 2009. With their innovative headphone system, Silent Conference has enabled millions of delegates and attendees to directly engage with event content, breaking down language barriers and amplifying the overall event experience.

The Silent Conference headphone system offers a unique solution for conferences and corporate events, allowing attendees to seamlessly switch between event speakers and focus on specific content at the touch of a button on specially designed conference headphones. This functionality not only enhances attendee engagement but also facilitates smoother communication and interaction during events of any scale.

“We are thrilled to be named an official event partner for Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live’s North America editions,” said Paul Gillies, Managing Director at Silent Conference. “At Silent Conference, we are passionate about transforming event experiences, and this partnership further solidifies our commitment. We look forward to showcasing our game changing solutions and contributing to the success of these prestigious events.”

Event Tech Live and Event Sustainability Live are premier platforms for industry professionals to explore the latest trends, innovations, and solutions in event technology and sustainability practices. With Silent Conference as the official event partner, attendees can expect an unparalleled experience that seamlessly integrates technology, sustainability, and engagement, creating memorable and impactful event experiences.

For more information about Silent Conference and their innovative solutions, visit

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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