NOEA to bring best of events together at The Showman’s Show


The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA) have partnered with The Showman’s Show and Qdos Event Hire, to showcase the very best of outdoor events in front of a senior delegation of industry and governmental representatives, at this year’s show (18th & 19th October).

In a series of activations at the show, NOEA will joining The Showman’s Show in hosting the UK Events quarterly board meeting, the first time the group has convened at an outdoor event focused trade exhibition. The meeting will involve association heads from across both outdoor and indoor events, as well as representatives from UK government.

NOEA will also be hosting a networking event after the meeting, offering a chance for UK Events representatives to meet senior people from the world of outdoor events, as well as take in The Showman’s Show event itself. Both meetings will be hosted by Qdos Event Hire who will also be setting the scene on the best of outdoor events by bringing to life some of the business’ work around inclusive and accessible events.

“We’re delighted to be working with The Showman’s Show to shine a light on the importance of outdoor events to the wider events industry, but also the work being done to raise the standards and positive impacts of events to the UK,” commented Susan Tanner, CEO, NOEA and Vice Chair of UK Events. “NOEA sits on the UK Events board and we’re delighted to be seeing many of our colleagues in Newbury this year. We can’t thank Qdos enough for their hospitality, but also in sharing their own achievements in creating a better, more inclusive industry. It’s a really positive message to be sharing with this group.”

“We’re really keen that The Showman’s Show remains the place where the best of outdoor events can be seen and showcased, and we’re delighted to be welcoming UK Events to the show this year,” commented Johnny Lance, Event Director, The Showman’s Show. “We’ve welcomed many MPs and government representatives in the past and they all go away with a positive impression of our industry and the people and businesses that work within it. We’re always pleased to welcome more.”

The NOEA activations will take place on day Two of The Showman’s Show, 19th October 23, on the Qdos Stand (stand 109). The networking event will be open to NOEA members and sponsors.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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