Kinura: Spotlight on Live Streaming & Video Production


Better production for a more demanding audience

Stepping up the production values of marketing or communications video makes good business sense. It ensures ROI, reinforces messaging, and increases trust in your organisation. Simple improvements don’t cost the earth and a trusted production partner lets you focus on the content while they make it look great. 

Greater Expectations

Online audiences’ expectations across the board have changed post covid. Since the vast majority of us now use Teams or Zoom, et al daily, everyone knows bad cameras and microphones ruin the experience.

And nothing ruins a marketing message or detracts from the content of a webinar quicker than poor production. Put simply, no company that is serious about its internal comms or outbound video marketing should put their CEO (or any other C-suite members) in front of a webcam or using built-in microphones.

Multi-cam? Yes, you can.

It’s a common misconception that webinar platforms only allow webcams as input feeds. This is wrong. All platforms allow multicamera, broadcast-level vision mixes and professional audio inputs. There’s no reason your webinars can’t look and sound as good as a TV broadcast and professional webinar production doesn’t cost as much as you’d expect. 

Posh platforms won’t hide poor production.

The same rules apply to hybrid and virtual conference & events. While in-person events are returning to pre-pandemic levels the need for well-produced live streams for remote audiences hasn’t diminished. Online audiences expect, at minimum, professional production, seamless functionality, and an experience that makes them feel part of the event. But the fundamentals must be right – no matter how good your platform is excellent sound and video production are non-negotiable.

Sustainability isn’t optional.

Aside from the obvious environmental benefits of not flying speakers around the world and the audience not needing to travel to a venue, a significant portion of online audiences simply prefer the flexibility of the virtual event experience. Also, what’s not often discussed are the attendee numbers. It’s a become something of a dirty secret that virtual events consistently attract far greater numbers of attendees. This is because in-person events are limited to the size of the venue, the cost to the attendee and the cost per attendee to the event arranger. 

Put simply, 100% virtual events are cheaper, easier organise and offer a greater reach compared to in person events. 

When is a studio not a studio?

The word ‘studio’ usually conjures up the image of an expensive, high-end facility. While these do exist (we have our own!) a temporary studio can be any suitable space an organisation has available. Larger meeting rooms, atriums, even canteens make perfect environments for temporary studios and are a quick win when trying lift the production values of a meeting or town hall broadcast. And since most large organisations have space to spare due to increased home working it’s an obvious, cost-free alternative to a third-party studio. 




Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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