Expert Impact Speakers


Expert Impact Speakers provides impactful speakers for any kind of event. And every booking supports positive social and environmental change.

We can provide any kind of speaker: a keynote speaker for a conference, a compere for an awards ceremony, an after-dinner speaker, an evening entertainer, a facilitator or panellists for a discussion, or a headline speaker. We find the best speakers for event organisers. We cater for both in person and virtual events.

We work with and represent a wide spectrum of people from the business, academic and entertainment sectors. Whatever their field of work, they all believe in making a positive social or environmental impact on the world. 

Booking through Expert Impact Speakers means a percentage of a speaker’s fee is donated to support social entrepreneurs – the founders of organisations tackling social and environmental challenges.

Customers can book television presenters, comedians, social entrepreneurs, thought leaders and activists through Expert Impact Speakers.

We work with a vast pool of talented and original speakers and cannot only suggest the speaker most suited to your event, but also the content and how the session could be run more effectively.

Each booking is managed from start to finish by us. From initial ideas to contracts, through briefing and logistics, to a final debriefing once the event has finished. Need some help with your event? Email

All profits from Expert Impact Speakers are used to fund Expert Impact Mentoring, which matches the leaders of charities and social enterprises with successful business people. 

Since it started in 2014, more than 400 social entrepreneurs have used the mentoring service.

Collectively they are helping the disadvantaged, bolstering social care, supporting healthier communities and looking after the environment.

Contact Details:

07852 364114

EIN Directory
Author: EIN Directory

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