We Scan Tickets ticketing solution, the best switch you’ll ever do


We Scan Tickets is an online ticketing solution, allowing event attendees to purchase tickets on an organiser’s website using an embedded checkout. Paired with an advanced app guests can easily be scanned in at the event and processed within seconds. Combined with their advanced marketing integrations you’ll be able to push your event to its full potential.

We Scan Tickets was originally an in-house system which turned UK-wide after their success back in 2013 as they launched into the events industry. Fast forward to 2023, it’s a paperless world and We Scan Tickets has since developed a highly advanced system full of amazing features sure to impress any event organiser.

There are a few ticketing solutions out there, so what makes We Scan Tickets so different? For one, a small UK-based business means next-level customer support with each account no matter how small the event. Each event comes paired with a dedicated account manager that will support you from start to finish of your event.

Take a look at some of their features

  • Instant payouts
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Embedded checkouts mean customers don’t leave your site
  • Seamless checkout experience
  • Detailed analytics and reporting
  • Scanning support options at events
  • Payment Plans
  • Marketing integration
  • Customers information is for event organisers only, We Scan Tickets don’t push other events onto them

Success story

An annual family festival held in Northumberland called Mighty Dub Fest doubles the population of the local town for one weekend of the year, meaning 2,500 vehicles enter within one day through one entrance. With 6 lanes of vehicles and a total of 36 tickets processed a minute, you can see just why this festival has made We Scan Tickets their choice of ticket provider for the last 9 years.

“Always my first choice, next-level customer support and the back-end analytics are just amazing. Year on year my data grows so I can predict ticket sale trends and help my festival grow.” Helen, Mighty Dub Fest

Looking to make the switch? https://wescantickets.com

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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