VenuIQ’s virtual and hybrid event platform is more than just somewhere to stream content – it can be customised to fit every organiser’s needs.


VenuIQ’s virtual and hybrid event platform is more than just somewhere to stream content – it can be customised to fit every organiser’s needs.

The platform allows users to maximise delegate, speaker, sponsor and exhibitor engagement while ensuring content is front and centre, and VenuIQ’s outstanding UK-based customer support team will always go the extra mile to make sure the event is a success. Without dedicated support on hand, virtual and hybrid events can quickly go wrong so it’s essential that technology suppliers offer a robust, proactive support package.   

Whether an organiser is running large expo, seminar series, small conference or trade show, VenuIQ can provide a branded layout to help the event run smoothly and effectively.

The platform tracks and handles delegate registration via its management portal while event organisers can use it to send push notifications and reminders to delegates with crucial updates, or simply to encourage attendance.

VenuIQ’s live Q&A and polling feature is an essential tool that event organisers can use to keep attendees engaged while collecting invaluable data. Furthermore, live session chat is supported so users can join in real time or share their comments later when watching replays.

The option of scheduling in-event video meetings between delegates can be implemented to replace those face-to-face interactions that are so highly valued by attendees at physical events and there is no need for personal data exchanges, making it completely GDPR compliant. Whatsmore, VenuIQ offer that feature using AI to suggest who you should meet and also shows you the most convenient times available for you both to meet. When considering a hybrid option, running within a single ecosystem the platform and apps will ensure everyone is fully connected.

It can be customised to allow document uploads to accompany sessions, from keynote presentation slides and sponsor videos to surveys and competition links,  encouraging post-event engagement. So event organisers offer their attendees extra resources and content that they can revisit at a later date. The system can also assist with reporting, showing who has attended which sessions and which documents they have downloaded.

If an organiser is hosting a sponsored event, VenuIQ’s platform can incorporate live demonstrations within the sponsor and exhibitor pages. This gives prospects the same ‘at the booth’ experience they would get at an in-person event and offers them the opportunity to watch/re-watch content at a later date. There are even custom CMS pages that can be added to allow almost anything to be viewed within the platform, for example key sponsor highlights or competitions.

A true end-to-end platform, one of the VenuIQ system’s particular benefits is its capacity to provide event organisers with a lasting sense of the onsite ‘feeling’ and engagement of in-person events with the added option to instantly switch between a variety of speakers, presentations, stages with multiple streams and more.

If an organiser is looking to run hybrid events, the VenuIQ events app, which can be customised with the desired branding, will work alongside the fully mobile optimised web platform. This wraps all client and sponsor events inside the branding and allows cross-pollination, increasing attendee uptake for other events while being managed from one single back-end portal.

For events that heavily focus on networking, event organisers need a platform that can prompt natural conversation, as well as bringing people together. With an AI powered networking feature, the VenuIQ platform will suggest others attendees should meet as well as sessions they should attend – along with a simple filter system if they are looking for something or someone specific.

It is hard to emulate the atmosphere of an in-person event virtually. To address this, VenuIQ has added a ‘session chat’ feature which enables attendee engagement during and after a presentation or talk, encouraging networking and participation, as well as video breakout sessions and 121 video chats – delegate to delegate, or delegate to exhibitors and sponsors.

The platform can also deliver reports on social dimensions, such as live Q&A engagement, meetings booked and more, providing greater insight into the success of an event. Key for sponsors and exhibitors whose primary reason for attending will likely be lead generation, they can see who has requested more information, watched their session or downloaded their content, giving actionable leads and making it simpler for organisers to prove ROI to sponsors and exhibitors.

Finally, and most importantly, the platform ensures that content is front and centre – it should not be buried or second place. After all high quality content is what drives attendees to your events, sparks discussions and meetings and learning. In turn it will enhance engagement with all the other features.

With the more hopeful outlook of in-person events returning in some shape or form later this year, it’s never been more important to ensure that your platform is capable of handling those delegates who are there physically and then seemlesly bring in those who are virtual. Hybrid is certainly here to stay.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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