VenuIQ ensures go ahead of vital NHS leadership conferences


The NHS Confederation has celebrated the successful conclusion of its latest virtual event for the leadership of the NHS, created by award-winning events software provider VenuIQ, to meet necessary COVID-19 restrictions. 

The annual PNC Network Conference took place on 11th November 2020 and welcomed 1000 delegates nationwide to discuss the innovation and issues in primary care. 

So far NHS Confederation has hosted four annual conferences with the support of VenuIQ, utilising the platform’s Q&A feature, pioneering online chat and breakout sessions to allow delegates to engage with one another during and after the main keynote addresses. 

This has enabled over 1800 members of the NHS community to come together to share their knowledge and take action to tackle a range of pertinent health issues. 

Importantly, for health and social care professionals unable to attend the live sessions due to NHS duties or for anyone who would like the opportunity to revisit any of the events’ discussions and developments, the VenuIQ platform contains OnDemand recordings which can be viewed anytime.

Leanne Josephs, Head of Events at the NHS Confederationconfirmed: “After using a different platform for an event in September which severely let us down, I put out a call for help to source an affordable  platform which was simple to use for both organisers and delegates.

“VenuIQ answered our call and exceeded our expectations, with an effective platform, comprehensive tech support and most importantly, excellent service, From initial contact, the VenuIQ team have been great to work with and have taken on any feedback we have received from delegates to develop their platform further to ensure future NHS Confederation virtual events are as user-friendly and engaging as possible for our audience.”

Oliver Rowe, Co-Founder of VenuIQ, added: “The challenge faced by event organisers in pivoting to a virtual event is to do something which is still engaging to both speakers and attendees, whilst offering the opportunity to network and get involved in discussions. This was one of the main things the NHS Confederation organisers wanted to maintain throughout all of their virtual events. By offering delegates video meetings, virtual seminars and chat features, we were able to do just that. 

“We are delighted with the outcome of the past four events and we look forward to continually supporting the NHS Confederation in hosting such important conferences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.”

Headquartered in the West Midlands, VenuIQ offer customers an easy-to-use platform that enables businesses to build and publish their own branded native apps and web portals from a browser for events, with features such as tracking, polls, Q&As and event registrations integrated to create an immersive virtual event experience. 

The company boasts a wealth of experience in implementing and developing new technology to allow businesses to offer a greater event experience and has helped hundreds of organisations ‘pivot’ their event online since the outbreak of COVID-19.  

With positive feedback received from delegates, The NHS Confederation has a full virtual events calendar planned for 2021 and has confirmed their ongoing partnership with VenuIQ for all upcoming events.  

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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