UK publishing industry body signs up with Evessio events management software

Representatives from Mixmag, Wasted Talent celebrate the award of “PPA Consumer Media Brand Of The Year” at The PPA Awards 2018.

The PPA’s quest to improve its events by offering a better user-experience led it to partner with Evessio for its events management software. In-house benefits the association is aiming to achieve include better SEO and audience data as well as time savings for the events team.

With a history of more than 100 years in the UK’s magazine publishing industry, the PPA currently represents and supports almost 250 companies, ranging from consumer magazine publishers to business-to-business data and information providers, customer magazine publishers and smaller independents.

The PPA hosts four awards events, two festivals and a conference each year, as well as around twenty smaller networking events such as roundtables, dinners and breakfast briefings.

“Events are key to overall PPA activity,” said Hannah Bray, managing director, commercial and avents at the PPA. “In a recent in-depth survey of PPA members, awards and networking opportunities were both in the top five areas of value for members. Events revenue also heavily subsidises our activities, making it possible for the PPA as a not-for-profit organisation to act in the interests of its members in other ways.”

Bray said that the team wanted events management software that gives them more support than the self-built system they had been using. They considered three providers based on cost, the time and resource required for set-up and maintenance, the opportunities for more bespoke development and the ability to deliver for the PPA’s specific event requirements.

“We chose Evessio after an in-depth demo and also recommendations and testimonials from some of our members already using the software. Trust in the team and ease of using the platform also influenced our decision. The platform is an incredibly well thought out and easy to use solution backed by a wealth of experience and knowledge in the team behind it.

“We hope to provide a better user experience for members, improve SEO and collect better, more organised audience data, all of which should lead to an increase in sales. Also, after the first six months of event set-ups from scratch, it will take the team less time to build the events.”

Thomas Howie, COO of Evessio, said the deal underlines the growing importance of events in the publishing industry. “It’s great to be able to help an organisation that represents some of our clients in the industry and it’s good to hear that recommendations from some of these clients played a role in the PPA’s decision to go with us. We see that as a real vote of confidence.”

Bray added that events have become a huge part of professional publishers’ business models in recent years and that this was only going to increase. 

“Magazine and business media brands are in the unique position of a trusted voice in a world of fake news. They are therefore lucky enough to lead loyal and highly-engaged communities, who demand more and more touch points and opportunities to live out their passions and interests in a live environment. Events continue to be a growth area for professional publishers.”

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: