The Unpopular Opinion Part 5: consultancy services


Our latest Unpopular Opinion piece looks at the subject of consultancy services and why companies think it is acceptable to ask for advice without paying for it.

Can I pick your brain? What are your thoughts on this? Questions like this are asked of me nearly every day. As a consultant, I sell my knowledge and expertise globally. Whenever I respond to these kinds of question saying, “let’s book a call on my Clarity number” (a charge by the minute advice line) or “let’s make a consultancy appointment” and pay by the hour – I get a negative reaction, particularly from companies who just want to chat through ideas or get advice on a topic or problem. Why is there a low value attached to consultancy in our sector? 

In other industries consultancy services are popular and they are paid for. In fact, consultants who can’t answer a client’s questions call in specialist consultants who can. It’s an established practice to charge for consultancy in other industries. I see my American colleagues being brought in on projects as consultants all the time. I have recently completed a consultancy job for a Singapore-based company for an event in the Middle East but why do companies not want to pay for specialist advice or creative problem-solving, particularly in the UK? It may be an unpopular opinion, but if expert advice is needed by companies, they need to consider paying for it.

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James Morgan – Event Tech Lab 

James Morgan is the founder of Event Tech Lab; a marketing and communications incubator for Event Tech Start Ups. James is a specialist in creating and implementing B2B brand strategy, content marketing and communication campaigns and business partnerships through digital and traditional mediums.


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Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: