Showcase AVi becomes Showcase


It’s change but no change at Showcase, they’ve dropped the AVi and refreshed their brand, but there’s a lot that remains the same. So why the new image and why now? Ben Collings, Founder and Managing Director, comments: “The company has evolved, it has grown creatively, technically & logistically, it’s not afraid to push boundaries and we all felt that the conno- tations of the three letters AVi limited people’s perception of what we could offer. Recent clients view us more as an events production agency and we all take that as a huge compliment, as it means we have all succeeded in our ambition to be ranked as a real creative player in this industry.”

“When we first started the rebranding process in January this year, nobody could have predicted how 2020 would unfold… live events cancelled to be replaced by virtual and hybrid ones. As part of our mission to continually develop our customer of- fering both technically and creatively we had already started working on ways we could deliver virtual and hybrid events with the same production values as a live version, so all we had to do was press the fast forward button. This ability to deliver high quality experiences across all mediums more than ever underlined the fact that it was time for a change… tweak the name, new brand, new website, but not everything has changed. Our commitment to customer service remains steadfast as does our passion for creating events that surpass expectations. That’s why we now like to think of ourselves as event crea- tors, rather than just the event producers.”

With tentative good news on the horizon for the New Year, it hopefully shouldn’t be too long before Showcase can start flexing their creative and production muscles on live events, they’re already brainstorming possible ideas with clients. With flexibility in mind (not just in their muscles), they can easily bring the live atmosphere buzz to any hybrid and virtual event, so even if you are not sure which way you are swinging, live, hybrid or virtual… then get in touch.

See what they can do at

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.