Remote interpreting can take hybrid events to global heights


After two years of connecting remotely, we finally get to meet each other face to face again, as in-person events start to resume. Many event managers plan to continue using or start adopting hybrid event formats, by increasing their on-site presence while taking advantage of online solutions.

According to research from Interprefy, the leading remote interpreting provider, 50% of event management professionals plan to use hybrid as their go-to format in 2022 and beyond. Hybrid events have clearly become a go-to format.

But let’s take a few steps back and address an important question. 

What is a hybrid event?

Put simply, a hybrid event is a tradeshow, conference, seminar, workshop, or other meeting that combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component. Take a panel discussion, for example — the panelists could meet in person, while the audience either sits in the auditorium or attends “remotely” via online video conferencing solutions.

We’re all familiar with the benefits of offline events — connectivity, personalization, and so on so that remains even with hybrid events, offering attendees the option to attend in person.

Compared to exclusive on-site setups, hybrid events are fundamentally more accessible and offer the “best of both worlds” — or even more. 

Hybrid is turning audience pools into global oceans

The shift toward digital experiences has created an opportunity for businesses to expand into new markets and reach audiences at scale. While expansion is key to business growth, it’s a challenging process that requires localising your content to fit with different multinational audiences.

But when done right, businesses can massively increase their audience numbers. For example, when Salesforce moved a Sydney-based event into the virtual world, they succeeded in increasing their attendee numbers by 800%.

Facilitate understanding through real-time language interpretation and closed captions

As a hybrid event is infinitely more accessible, you should expect people from around the world to attend. With this in mind, you need to ensure that you have translators and interpreters who can accommodate the most “common” language needs. The easiest way to find this information out is to look at your attendee data — what languages do most people speak? Based on that information, find translators and interpreting partners to suit.

To ensure a seamless experience — both on-site and online — you need real-time interpretation solutions that allow them to listen to content and interpret it for audiences. 

Solutions like Interprefy make it easy for events to be delivered to multinational audiences at scale, and professional conference interpreters can work from anywhere at any time. And Interprefy’s project and technical support teams can support you on-site or remotely.

The best part? Interprefy can be added to any web conferencing and event platform, including Zoom, MS Teams, ON24 and many more. So there’s very little you need to do to get it working. At the same time, people at the venue can simply listen to live translation on their mobile phones.

While it is great to have your content in different languages, having it also in written form in real-time in those languages adds to the quality of your event. Real-time captioning allows the deaf and hearing-impaired, people in noisy locations, and attendees who want to use subtitles to follow your event content.

Make localized content available on-demand

Solution providers like Interprefy can easily record your sessions, along with the interpreting audio and captions files. This opens a range of opportunities to extend the impact of your event way beyond the live event. You can re-use your localized event content for your marketing channels and create follow-up content from the transcripts of your event.

Remote interpreting works anywhere

Because remote interpreting is a cloud-based approach, live translation can be made available anywhere, where there is an internet connection. Interprefy, for instance, has brought real-time interpreting to webinars, UEFA press conferences, live-broadcasted summits from the White House, and even connected an astronaut in outer space to a world expo.

So in a nutshell, the sky is not even the limit, when you want to reach and engage with larger audiences with Interprefy.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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