Preparing for a no-deal Brexit? One World Rental offers advice


With the 31st October Brexit deadline looming, how is a UK technology rental company with European clients and a global footprint prepared for the political uncertainty ahead? 

The latest Brexit deadline is set for 31st October and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists the UK will leave with or without a deal. 

Yet just a fifth of small businesses exposed to Brexit are prepared, according to The Financial Times (Thomas, Sept., 2019). “Many vulnerable companies are still ill-equipped for upheaval with only weeks before the scheduled departure.” 

Technology firms are expected to be less affected than agricultural or automobile businesses for instance. But the industry is warned not to be complacent. 

“The precise way in which Brexit is going to impact the British tech industry is not clear,” said Forbes. (Sulyok, June, 2019). “But it will be significant and it could well be devastating.” 

One World Rental’s (OWR) chief executive, Kashif Din, commented: “We had to figure out what to do with our European business in light of the uncertainty ahead. Then we had to decide how best to serve our international clients from our headquarters in London.

“With the absence of an assured trade agreement post-Brexit and a no-deal Brexit looking increasingly likely, we needed to decide how to do business in any eventuality.”

His response was to open a self-sufficient satellite office just 20 minutes from Brussel’s Airport and Antwerp City Centre in Belgium. 

“Our global headquarters are in London,” says Din. “Yet frictionless movement of our products around Europe is something we simply cannot afford to compromise on.” 

OWR made the decision last year to open a facility in Brussels North. This will ensure that it’s business-as-usual come 31st October. Or even a UK general election the following month. 

“Our Brussels network is already stocking most catalogued line items and most European events are already being fulfilled by our outpost in Brussels,” says Din. 

“The move not only provides a level of convenience but also peace of mind for our clients. Plus, it opens up same day delivery options into several new cities within Europe including Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam.” 

OWR is ready to continue serving UK-based organisers hosting events in Europe and also European clients who may soon be outside of the European Union. 

Earlier this year OWR also opened an office in Glasgow, Scotland, enabling its Scottish partners access to its entire product range and inventory quickly with localised support.  

“Our message is clear. OWR is fully prepared for business as usual on the 31st October and beyond,” says Din. “We will be serving UK event organisers within Europe and also European clients within the UK.”

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: