PLASA Show opens this weekend to celebrate strength of live sector

PLASA Show, London’s international event for entertainment technology, will once again open its doors at Olympia London from 4-6 September.


Thousands of professionals from across the live sector are expected to attend the show, coming together to celebrate the industry’s strength and innovation following the pandemic. Tickets are still available for £15, which will increase to £20 on the door.

200+ global brands will sit side by side in Olympia’s Grand Hall, representing the very best of pro audio, lighting, audio-visual, rigging and staging technologies. These include the show’s headline sponsor Robe, as well as fellow lighting brands CHAUVET Professional, Claypaky, Ayrton, Avolites, ETC, Elation, GLP, Vari-Lite, Martin, TMB, plus many more. The pro audio sector is well covered, with brands such as d&b audiotechnik, Sennheiser, Yamaha, DiGiCo, Shure, RCF and L-Acoustics. Leading names from AV will be in attendance, such as Epson, ROE Visual and PSCo. And plenty of rigging companies will be there too, including Area Four, Broadweigh, Doughty and Triple E.

A market-leading programme, sponsored by Vectorworks, will run alongside the thriving show floor, with back-to-back sessions in three seminar theatres. Attendees can learn from business leaders, get inspired by accomplished creative freelancers, and get involved in conversational industry panels. Programme highlights include designing Ed Sheeran’s world tour, lighting BMW’s HQ, powering the Commonwealth Games, and live events in the metaverse.

Not only that, the d&b Soundscape Theatre will deliver in-depth seminars and taster sessions on cutting-edge immersive audio, led by d&b audiotechnik, DiGiCo, Klang, ASD and White Light. Upstairs on the Gallery Level, visitors can take advantage of free practical training on the latest lighting consoles and fixtures, courtesy of CHAUVET Professional, Claypaky and ChamSys. Plus, AED Audio, RCF UK and KV2 Audio will showcase the power of their latest sound systems in controlled spaces.

A new feature for this year is the Vintage Audio Display, featuring the exact PA system used for Pink Floyd’s ‘Live in Pompeii’. Audio enthusiasts can also check out an original 1970s parabolic speaker dish, as well as several vintage power amps. The owner, Chris Hewitt, will be on hand to discuss his unique collection.

The Innovation Awards, in association with LSi magazine will also run at PLASA Show, celebrating the most impressive products from the past year. Visitors can get up close to all the nominees at the Innovation Gallery, and the winners will be announced during a special ceremony on the Monday evening of the show. This includes the respected Gottelier Award which will be presented to a product developer who has changed the course of the industry throughout their career.

PLASA’s Event Manager, Sophie Atkinson, says, “This year’s PLASA Show is set to be really special. Not only has the floor plan and programme grown in size since last year, there is a genuine sense of excitement throughout the industry that live events and entertainment are back – and more ambitious than ever. This truly is the year to see what’s new and expand your industry contacts.”

PLASA Show will take place at Olympia London from 4-6 September. Tickets are available in advance or on the door. To register for your entry badge and browse the exhibitor list and programme, please visit

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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