Major milestone for event analytics technnology


Exposure Analytics have hit a huge milestone as their award-winning event analytics technology is in action at its 5000th event.

The technology was the first platform of its kind to deliver sophisticated analytics to event professionals. Over the last eight years their sensors have been capturing data for brands, agencies, event and exhibition organisers to help them to evaluate the success of their activities.

Around the world event professionals and marketers have been able to see real time visitor data including footfall, dwell times, engagement rates, flow routes, and more thanks to EX, Apex and most recently People Coordinates sensors. 

The Exposure Analytics team are well and truly part of the events industry. It all began for them eight years ago at International Confex where they debuted their technology. They’re regulars at Event Tech Live, and have won six Event Technology Awards in the last four years. 

The 5000 events span 35 countries and multiple continents, for brands and companies in gaming, healthcare, the auto industry, sports and FMCG. We also work with retailers, including those based in airports. The technology has evolved over time, originally running off the 3G network. The first 4G sensor event was for Nike React at Barge House in London. The most sensors installed at one event was 63 at the Goodwood Festival in 2017.

The 5000th event was this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed. We worked with multiple clients there, as well as the organisers to measure visitor numbers in particular locations, engagement rates, and dwell times.  It was amazing to see the event back to full capacity and the numbers for our clients were brilliant. 

Michelle Horn, Project Director said: “Here at TRO we’ve been working with Exposure Analytics for a couple of years now, and the data and insight they provide is amazing. It is hugely helpful when we are evaluating the work that we do for clients. 

“As part of our work with BMW, we’ve used the sensors at their flagship event, the Wentworth PGA tournament. They really like the figures we can report on.  It’s great to be able to really dig into how people interacted with the stands and experiences that we create for them. For example the length of time visitors engage with our team on our stands We also use the analytics to help us to plan for future events and experiences. 

“We’re delighted to be the 5000th event to use this fantastic technology, again on behalf of BMW, at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed.”

Rob Murdoch, Managing Director, Exposure Analytics, said: “After the difficulties of the last couple of years and Covid disruption, we are absolutely delighted to reach this milestone. We really feel that events are back to their best. We’re busier now than we were pre-Covid. A big trend we’re seeing is that although visitor numbers aren’t as high as pre-Covid, the quality of those visitors is better than ever. We’re seeing increased engagement rates and dwell times when we compare the data from pre and post-Covid events.

“Over time we’ve vastly improved our technology so we can now give clients the most detailed set of data so they can truly understand exactly how visitors interact with their event or activation. We’ve built up some fantastic long term relationships with clients and can work with them to improve their events month on month or year on year, helping them to make decisions about where they exhibit, and which cities or countries they choose for their experiential marketing.

Exposure Analytics now employs nine people, supporting an average of 30 events per weekend, and five per weekday. 

Rob Murdoch added: “We’d love to work with more brands and agencies, I’d love to hear from any event organisers or experiential marketers to tell them more about what we do.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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