InEvent will officially announce its platform new Registration Upgrades and Salesforce Integration at Event Tech Live 2019


Since its foundation, in 2014, InEvent has been shaping the future of corporate events with revolutionary technology for faster and safer event management.

Ever since, the startup software has been helping companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Honda, Coca-Cola, Facebook, among other major Fortune 500 key players.

Coincidently, the globally utilised end-to-end event marketing solution has initiated operations in the same year Event Tech Live began to legitimate and recognise the latest products, services and launches of the event-tech industry.

New features highlights

The InEvent system already features advanced tools to facilitate attendees experience, accreditation efficiency, creation of augmented reality, 1:1 matchmaking networking and participants logistics. Now, it brings a series of bold enhancements to turn corporate events even more attractive, tech-savvy and profitable.

One of the highlights is the registration module upgrades. As Registration forms got significant improvements, targeting specific audiences with personalisations became easier than ever. Multiple forms for the same event enable planners to skyrocket their conversions.

Another focal point goes for the integration with Salesforce, with a rich and documented API. With it, event planning becomes much simpler, streamlined and strategic, as leads and customers lifecycles can be synced. Agencies and corporations can now benefit from experiences that are not only memorable, but also highly measurable.

A promising future

Despite making these and other new features available for their clients throughout 2019, InEvent is using Event Tech Live 2019 as the firsthand occasion to let the community know about it. “It’s a world class event and, for us, a key moment of the year,” says Pedro Goes, InEvent CEO. “Event Tech Live gathers the best event marketers, agencies, associations and technologies in Europe. It’s great to launch our new Trends for 2020 report and gather feedback from Senior Managers. And as marketing strategies are revolving more and more around events, we want to help them on building up this promising near future.”

InEvent at Event Tech Live 2019.

InEvent is a leader all-in-one event management platform that allows Event Planners/Organizers to create memorable experiences. More than 2.4 million attendees have participated in conferences and celebrations organized with InEvent software, by 265+ companies. Start today at .

The Truman Brewery, London, UK.
Stand 1203

Wednesday, November 6th – Thursday, November 7th – 2019

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: