EventsCase gears up for 2020 with Dubai and Madrid expansion


EventsCase, the all-in-one event management software, has announced the opening of two new offices in Dubai and Madrid as part of its rapid plans for expansion.

The company, whose clients include the United Nations, Audi and CNBC, has moved to enhance its global presence with a view to becoming the leading event technology provider across Europe and Asia. The new locations add to EventsCase offices in Valencia, Barcelona, New York, as well as its headquarters in London.

Jose Bort, co-founder and CEO of EventsCase, said: “Our decision to move into the Middle East is logical from both an events and technology perspective. We’ve seen a clear rise in the scale, magnitude and significance of Dubai-based events, which benefit hugely from its central worldwide location.”

“MENA is becoming a huge draw for UK technology providers due to the sheer amount of companies looking to expand into the market. As a London-based supplier with Arabic language support, part of our goal is to help European companies running events in the region.”

The news follows a whirlwind 12 months for EventsCase, which announced the release of two new features, gamification and email marketing, in light of a £1.4 million Series A funding round in April 2019.

Offering tools for check-in, registration, mobile app and website building, networking, gamification, email marketing and on-site support, EventsCase has expanded quickly and globally through an all-in-one framework that circumvents the need for multiple suppliers.

Recently, its platform gained one of its biggest use cases after helping the United Nations deliver a world-class attendee experience at its COP25 climate change conference in Madrid.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: