Molly Falco discusses importance of brand experiences


At the 2019 edition of Event Tech Live, Swoogo’s Molly Falco took to the Brand & Buzz Stage to educate her audience on how to build top brand experiences. Molly has a deep understanding of branding and marketing which she brings to her role as director of marketing at Swoogo.

To kick off her presentation, Molly stated that the first thing companies must do to create a high-impact brand experience is to understand their audience. Agreeing this may sound basic, she stressed that companies must translate their event’s purpose for their prospective guests to maximise its marketing impact. Adopting the audience’s speech and interests while marketing an event is essential to get them interested in the first place.

The event photography is also important. It visually conveys to prospective attendees what the event entails. Avoid using generic imagery that looks like it may have come from a Google search. Ensure that any occupants of your photos look like they are engaged and having fun, and try to capture the atmosphere of the event.

Utilise lighting, decoration and sound to create an atmosphere at your event, while keeping it in line with your brand. This helps engage people and encourages them to your event. This will also enrich the videos and photography that comes out of the event.

Additionally, ensure your event and website are “twins”, not “distant cousins” as Molly explained. Organisers need to mimic the same tone and atmosphere from the event onto their website, especially if attendees need to use the site to purchase tickets.

Event Tech Live is Europe’s biggest show dedicated to the world of event technology. This year, it will run from 4th-5th November at The Old Truman Brewery, London. Keep up with news from Event Tech Live on Twitter and Facebook.

This footage was kindly captured by our friends at First Sight Media.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: