Conference Networking with Conference Compass


Live events are all about bringing people together. Whether it’s to get inspired, to share knowledge, or to do business, the human connection is the number one reason to attend events. At virtual events, by their very nature, this connection is much harder to achieve. With attendees joining from their homes or offices, meeting others, and having meaningful conversations, needs a little extra boost. Our #OneCommunity Virtual Event Platform offers incredible networking features to enhance your virtual and hybrid events. 

Curious to know more? Keep reading!

One Sign-In

It all starts with your attendees receiving a personalized invite to download the app or access the event in the browser. With only a few clicks, they create a profile or sign in to an existing one. From there, they are ready to connect and engage with other attendees. With those on-site using the mobile app, or with those on-line using the browser of their computer.

Virtual Sessions

At conferences and other knowledge-driven events, sessions and presentations are always great conversation starters. When you see someone else asking an interesting question, or posting a message in the chat feed, their profile is only a click away. And if that person has chosen to be available for a chat, you can directly reach out for a conversation.

Video Meetings

A powerful new feature of our platform is that you can include a private virtual room in your meeting invites. When the other person accepts your invitation, both of you will be able to enter the private meeting room and connect via camera and microphone.

Posters and Round-table Sessions

Poster presentations and round-table sessions are great meeting formats to stimulate meaningful conversations. As they center around very concrete topics, it’s likely that you meet others who either share your thoughts or offer a different perspective. Either way, if this gives rise to a follow-up meeting, our platform allows you to do so.

Sponsors and exhibitors

You can use any of the previously mentioned features to amplify your sponsor and exhibitor value. Offer sponsored virtual sessions and virtual product demonstrations as part of the company profile. And invite company representatives, to be listed and be approachable by attendees. They can break-out into private virtual meeting rooms for one-to-one video conversations.

Contact Conference Compass to find out more.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.