2018 Event Photography Awards Winners Unveiled

Lake of Tranquility

The winners of the Event Photography Awards 2018 (EPAs) founded by staffing agency Off To Work, were unveiled on Thursday 3rd May at a highly impressive awards evening at The British Museum.

The sold-out event saw some 300 guests viewing 80 shortlisted photographs across 12 categories while enjoying superb canapes and bowl food by Bubble Food.

The photographs were perfectly printed by exhibition industry stalwarts, Pertons Signs, and mounted on kit provided (and very speedily erected and broken down) by Full Circle Events.

The awards ceremony element of the event was held in The British Museum’s sleek BP Lecture Theatre, which boasts state-of-the-art AV, including a huge screen that the organisers made full use of with a slick, fun and engaging presentation which was jollied along by event director, Graham Hill, who acted as emcee.

A highlight of the ceremony was the Music Events award, which in the absence of winner, Danny North, who is on tour with U2, was very amusingly presented on video by guitarist The Edge

The overall winning photo came from the Cultural Events category: Rituals of the Water at the Lost Village by Andrew Whitton.

The 5th anniversary of the EPAs saw over 1,000 photographs entered by some 100 professional event photographers, as well as many industry amateurs. The competition feature two new categories Food & Drink (Catering) and Venues, which was also won by Andrew Whitton.

Photo gallery from the night, captured courtesy of Splento: https://www.splento.com/photos/EPA18

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.