World Wide Group solutions designed to ensure memorable and measurable events

Karen Hayes, managing director at World Wide Group

With a history in filmmaking that goes right back to 1935, and Oscars/Baftas on the shelf, World Wide Group (WWG) knows very well how production quality can make or break a hybrid event. Simply, content has to be engaging and easy to watch in any dimension.  

To that end, World Wide Group producers and their teams work with clients and the best technology to create the brand experience they are looking for.

Focusing on professional production values, combining the power of in-person, virtual or broadcast to deliver immersive brand experiences for many years, hybrid is nothing new for WWG.

“We have been delivering [that mix] since the onset of our commercial event offering,” Karen Hayes, managing director at World Wide Group, says.

“Starting with satellite links providing broadcast quality video backhaul feeds in the early 80s for companies such as BP, Unilever and Wimpey, to video conferencing links in the 90s, we now deliver HD quality video over IP and 4G/5G.

“Our live international broadcast capabilities, combined with the experience and ability to deliver anything from a single camera presentation to a remote multi-presenter, multi-location event, means clients choose us as a safe pair of hands,” Hayes adds.

The higher than ever value of hybrid solutions, and what that means for the planet by the elimination of some global travel, cannot be underestimated. 

Outside pandemic restrictions, WWG clients have the opportunity to significantly cut their carbon footprint and to be more efficient as employees and stakeholders.

With good production, hybrid also opens the opportunity to have previously out of reach speakers at an event, solo or as part of a panel, and it’s cost-efficient too.  Rather than paying for travel, hotels and expenses, speakers can be booked simply for their prep and performance time. Alongside that of course the live audience reach is suddenly, aptly, ‘world wide’.

Well-versed in using different content vehicles to bring clients’ brands to life for both internal and external events, WWG identifies the best format to deliver content, based on scale, technology, budget and audience profiles.   

World Wide Group solutions are designed to ensure that events are memorable and measurable. The hybrid model enables attendees to interact — no matter where they are in the world – while the client benefits from a weight of analytics and evergreen content.

“With over 40 years’ experience hosting live and hybrid multi-location global events, coupled with 85 years in film production and content creation, we’re uniquely qualified to help you deliver a world-class brand experience,” Hayes says.

“Pre-pandemic we spent a lot of time with our clients trying to explain the benefits of bringing in speakers on video links and opening up their events to a virtual audience. This coronavirus has opened up an opportunity to combine mindsets and to cut the impact purely in-person events was having on the planet.”

Despite the restrictions pretty much everywhere in 2020, World Wide Group managed to open new offices in Rome and California and to launch World Wide Events, a turnkey events management solution. The company also took time to evaluate and invest in a number of new on-line event platforms, all of which include analytics, polling, live Q&A, breakout rooms and opportunity for sponsorship.

“World Wide Group’s mission is to continuously redefine the way the world consumes digital media,” Karen Hayes says in conclusion. | +44 207 613 6580


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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