Worried about event attendance? Boost last-minute registrations by targeting the right people with Superlinked


Virtual events are the “new normal”. Despite the gradual return of live events, 70% of event organisers still plan to cater to a virtual audience. Even before this seismic shift brought by the pandemic, bringing in the right audiences to professional events was a challenge. Now it’s even tougher. In response, event professionals are turning to Superlinked, a new audience acquisition platform which helps them attract the ideal audience to their events by focusing their attendee acquisition campaigns.

The B2B events landscape has changed forever

The proliferation of virtual events presents some significant challenges. Drawing in audiences is now more difficult because virtual attendees have much more choice.  Delivering on the event value is also harder, with two-thirds of event marketers saying they find it more difficult to keep attendees engaged during virtual event sessions, while sponsors are struggling to get the value from virtual audiences, due to concerns about a lack of exposure and limited networking opportunities. With an average cost of $1,000-1,500 per virtual conference attendee, finding a clear and cost-efficient way to bring in the right audiences to virtual events is more important than ever.

It’s not all bad news…

Attendees of virtual events generate a bigger digital footprint. Event professionals can now understand their audience better than ever before, gaining a detailed perspective of key aspects – and how to make the most of that for future events. From who really engaged with the event sessions, to who participated in networking to which content really grabbed their attention. Leveraging that valuable data is critical. In combination with Artificial Intelligence, this data can significantly improve audience targeting and slash acquisition costs: the kind of impact every ambitious event organiser loves. 

In short, the rise of virtual events is a challenge – but it’s also a golden, data-rich opportunity. With the right technology at hand.

Maximise the value of event data and cut acquisition costs with Superlinked

Better-quality and more detailed data is every event organiser’s best friend. But getting the right insights about your audience when you need it, especially when time is limited? Not easy.

Until Superlinked.

Superlinked is an AI-powered platform designed to enable event professionals to attract relevant audiences by focusing their attendee acquisition campaigns.

From webinars to conferences, live or virtual, paid or free, Superlinked’s precise AI-driven targeting automates the time-consuming manual tasks associated with searching and filtering potential attendees on platforms such as LinkedIn.

Superlinked’s founders built the platform, drawing on extensive experience in data analysis and insight generation at a top strategy consultancy, McKinsey & Company, and a deep understanding of ad networks and user modelling at YouTube.

Precisely targeted audience lists in days

Here’s how Superlinked works:

  1. You provide Superlinked with detailed information about the planned event and attendee data generated from past events of a similar type.
  2. Superlinked’s team does the data cleaning and mapping for you, and  Superlinked’s AI engine generates a targeted contact list unique for your event.
  3. You run a more informed and accurate campaign on the channel or medium of your choice, knowing that you are now targeting the right people. 

That’s it. Better data. Better audience. Better events.

If you are relying on ad platforms, such as LinkedIn and Google Ads, to generate “lookalike audiences”, you might want to reconsider. With Superlinked you get:

  • Full transparency: Attract the audience you want rather than just trusting a platform where you can’t see who is actually targeted.
  • Optimised audience quality: Why maximise a platform’s ad revenue instead of your event attendance? Superlinked keeps costs low and attendee calibre high.
  • Better ROI: Reach out to your target audience via your preferred and cost-effective method instead of being restricted to paid advertising.
  • Specialisation to drive event attendance: Superlinked’s specifically trained user models maximise your event attendance, rather than maximising ad clicks or matching by irrelevant parameters – like where your attendees buy their groceries!
  • Data in your control: You maintain complete control of your data and share as little or as much as you like, knowing it will be handled in a secure and GDPR-compliant manner.

Winning in the age of the new normal

There’s no getting away from the fact that the events landscape has changed forever. Adapting is essential, but it doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. With high quality, relevant audience data the lifeblood of successful events, Superlinked is here to help you to not only survive but thrive in the new normal.

Get in touch with Superlinked to learn how they support event professionals.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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