Face Coverings- busting the myths


By Colin Graham, Founder of AnyBrand

Currently there is a lot of white noise on the topic of face coverings, political bias, international discrepancy, and uncertainty, particularly in UK with a lack of government guidance. Businesses and organisations from schools to live events are struggling with defining policies, and we need a quick, effective solution to help boost the economy whilst keeping people safe.

Colin Graham, founder of AnyBrand, undertook a rigorous global search for solutions to counteract SARS COV-2 (COVID-19), which led him to Swiss company HeiQ and their Viroblock treatment. AnyBrand is the UK partner for HeiQ.

The challenge in the UK currently is the lack of advice / guidance from the top as compared to other countries, where authorities and businesses have heeded the science and enforced the wearing face coverings, backed by significant fines for non-compliance.

Here Colin looks at the facts and untruths surrounding the effectiveness of face coverings.

Let me start with our central aim: to help a return to business safely by reducing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.


Face coverings work

There is overwhelming evidence that face coverings are effective in significantly reducing the risk of the spread of airborne infections, including the virus the causes COVID-19. See https://royalsociety.org/news/2020/07/president-of-the-royal-society-urges-everyone-to-wear-a-face-covering/.


Neck Gaiter / snoods are less effective than mask style coverings. (see https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/mask-test-duke-covid/2020/08/10/4f2bb888-db18-11ea-b205-ff838e15a9a6_story.html )

There was a recent run of US media that falsely reported that snoods were less effective barriers. Media misquoted a line out of a single study to say neck gaiters didn’t work. The author of the study was robust in his criticism about being misquoted and asserted that they can be worn effectively and many media have added retractions to their original articles.


Treated Face Coverings significantly reduce the risk of spreading disease.

We undertook rigorous due diligence in checking the validity of the science behind the fact that HeiQ Viroblock treatment and there are a multitude of credible tests, certifications and approvals that support that is an effective barrier against the virus that causes COVID-19 (see below).


Face coverings treated with HeiQ Viroblock are tested and shown to be 20 times more effective than untreated masks.  Data provided by HeiQ, based on testing conducted on similar fabrics. HeiQ, HeiQ Viroblock and Viroblock are trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of HeiQ  Materials AG.



All face coverings are equal

Check that the face covering is designed to fit the face snuggly to prevent the spread of airborne water droplets that contain infectious pathogens. Loosely fitting designs with open sides or that ‘flap around’ will be far less effective.

Check to science behind the claim of treated coverings.

I have seen marketing claims for treated products that suggest they protect against COVID-19. They do, in so much as all face covering do, but read the small print and their treatments are effective against flu – but not COVID-19. 

Our treated face coverings are effective against COVID-19 breathing in and out, so protect the wearer and the people around them, in addition to contact transmissions when taking them on or off. HeiQ treatment means our masks do not carry the virus. Untreated masks can hold the virus and become vectors to spread the disease, so must be handled and disposed of carefully. This is not the case with treated AnyBrand coverings.


HeiQ treated masks are more economic and sustainable.

The virus does not survive on a Viroblock treated face covering, which is re-useable, washable and recyclable – so are far more economic and sustainable.


Anti-Viral treatments are a bogus, expensive gimmick.


I undertook extensive research into various anti-viral coatings, including nano technology, which is expensive. The HeiQ Viroblock is both affordable and scalable and proven to be effective against the SARS COV-2 virus.

 Public Awareness

In summing up, I hope that people can cut through the misinformation and see the clear facts. A good start would be making sure how to wear face coverings properly. The mouth and the nose must be covered and that the covering should be reasonably fitting to prevent the spread of airborne aerosol transmission.

Stay Safe and let’s make it safe to get back to business.

Visit www.anybrandmask.com for more details.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.