Wyboston Lakes


Here at Wyboston Lakes Resort sustainability gives us the opportunity to bring our diverse efforts under one umbrella and create a culture of conscience in what we do and how we do it. Our slogan is quite simply, ‘More Sustainable, No Apology’ meaning we’re committed to making decisions which aren’t the norm but will help us become more sustainable in everything we do. We are triple accredited with Platinum Eco- Smart, Gold Green Tourism and IACC Gold Star.


All the electricity used on Wyboston Lakes Resort is generated from renewable energy sources which have zero carbon emissions. This has directly saved 1,330 tonnes of CO2e from the Wyboston Lakes Carbon footprint which is 65% of the total emissions. MeasureMyEnergy has also been installed, which measures and records the electricity used on each electrical circuit each second. The Resort has installed a total of 26 electric car charger to encourage electric car usage and as all the charge in the cars is 100% green, this significantly reduces the carbon footprint of cars charged at Wyboston.


We are now ‘Zero to Landfill’ for the 7th consecutive year. All of the waste collected on the resort is sorted and managed, so it doesn’t go to landfill.

With multiple food outlets available throughout the resort, tackling food waste is paramount. Some simple process changes have delivered big wins. All food wastage is weighed to measure improvement.Our goal by the end of 2022 is to eradicate all food waste taken from site by 100%.

Culture Shockers:

During the 2020/21 lockdowns, we enhanced our tech capabilities and introduced new products as more hygienic options. Many of these are also more sustainable as it eliminates the use of so much paper.

We have reduced our single use plastics across the resort by 42% by taking part in the MIA #20percentless scheme since we started the scheme.

We own and operate and onsite nature reserve in conjunction with the Wildlife trust.  We recently launched our Room2Grow campaign which gives guests the opportunity to opt out of a room clean and we will plant a tree instead.

We continue to work towards our 2040 Carbon Emissions Net Zero Goal.

Contact details:

0333 7007 997

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