Whiteley Events


We are an events company specialising in Sound Reinforcement. Based in Hampshire & Norfolk but covering the UK, Whatever the event… business conferences, festivals, band pa, singer/songwriter, fashion shows, carnivals, community events, fetes, school events, sporting events, etc.  Get in touch.

We have been involved in some great events since starting in 2012, we have provided sound & lighting on the Introducing stage at the Radio One Big Weekend, provided sound for the Royal Navy open day at HMS Collingwood on various stages, Sound for local festivals with a few hundred or thousands of attendees, business conferences with a few delegates or a few hundred delegates.  We have worked with some great names in the industry and upcoming artists.  We have provided sound in Portsmouth cathedral for events run by Portsmouth Diocese.  For Hampshire Constabulary for their open days, music festivals and award evenings.

We pride ourselves in our family-based company with a can-do attitude, Whatever the event please do get in touch.

Contact Details:

+44 1489 666383

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